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How can I customise leave entitlements for specific employees?

After you are done setting the default leave entitlements for your company, you may want to customise the entitlement for certain employees. 

In the employee’s profile, go to the Employment Details tab and look for the leave column at the bottom of the page.

Hover over the text fields which appear under the Days Entitled column. You will notice they can be edited, unlike Days Taken, which is linked to the leave calendar and cannot be edited.

In the example provided, entitled annual leave days for the employee has been set to 15 days per year.  So if the employee makes a leave request, both the employee and employer will be notified if the leave requested (including days already taken) exceeds the days entitled. The leave can still be submitted and approved if preferred or the leave manager can reject the leave request and ask the employee to apply for unpaid leave instead.

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